From netbooks to laptops, there are plenty of WiMAX-ready devices on the market. Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, and other manufacturers are offering PCs that are set-up to provide wireless broadband access. WiMAX is the technology that allows you to get serious work done while on the run. It taps into your city's 4G coverage area so that you're online anywhere at anytime.
Does your laptop not come with a WiMAX chip? No problem. If your city offers 4G, you simply get a pocket-sized USB modem to slide into the side of your notebook. Because 4G is portable, it's also ideal if your laptop has a longer battery life, so that you can go mobile for long periods.
Wireless Internet Card Desktop
How does 4G relate to WiMAX? This fourth generation of wireless Internet service uses radio waves from WiMAX towers to allow for reliable, lightning fast download rates. By lightning fast, we're talking about download speeds of 4 to 6 megabits per second. It's similar to the speeds you've only been able to get through cable wires or DSL at home. For contrast, consider the average download speed of 3G from cell phone companies - about 1 megabit per second.
This new high-speed technology translates to mega-mobility. Your laptop can operate online in a moving train or bus or in a taxi cab. You can video conference with peers anywhere in the coverage area, which extends for miles. While 3G is effective for smaller tasks, 4G through WiMAX is effective for video streaming, watching movies and TV shows through Netflix or Hulu, or downloading iTunes albums. Kids (and adults who are children-at-heart) enjoy online Xbox and Playstation gaming.
Where are 4G networks located in the US? They are in most major cities, and more cities are added every month. By the end of 2010, there will be more than 120 million potential customers in the country. You can get online in any city with 4G coverage, but with an optional dual mode 3G/4G card, you can still access 3G if necessary.
4G is the solution to the old problems of mobile Internet connectivity. Your choices in the past were to either have slow 3G speeds and a portable connection, or fast speeds in fixed locations (at home or at a Wi-Fi hotspot). This dilemma of slow versus stationary has been resolved by WiMAX technology - you don't have to choose anymore.
The target customer of 4G is anyone who's on the go. Modern Americans aren't in fixed locations for long - they're pulling carpool duty, watching a sports event, or hanging out at the park or mall. WiMAX allows adults and kids alike to have the freedom to get online at any of these places. Laptops, notebooks, and netbooks can work overtime now.
This telecommunications solution is ideal for those who want to combine work with play. If you want to go to bring the kids to the park but also get work done, now you can. If you want to download a lecture on the bus but play online games afterward, now you can. WiMAX delivers a giant dose of convenience for those who need to be online anywhere and everywhere.
Is Your Laptop WiMAX-Ready?wireless internet card desktop
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