November 23, 2011

Computer Network Overview

Computer networking or data communication is a most important part of the information technology. Today every business in the world needs a computer network for smooth operations, flexibly, instant communication and data access. Just imagine if there is no network communication in the university campuses, hospitals, multinational organizations and educational institutes then how difficult are to communicate with each other. In this article you will learn the basic overview of a computer network. The targeted audience of this article is the people who want to know about the network communication system, network standards and types.

A computer network is comprised of connectivity devices and components. To share data and resources between two or more computers is known as networking. There are different types of a computer network such as LAN, MAN, WAN and wireless network. The key devices involved that make the infrastructure of a computer network are Hub, Switch, Router, Modem, Access point, LAN card and network cables.

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LAN stands for local area network and a network in a room, in a building or a network over small distance is known as a LAN. MAN stands for Metropolitan area network and it covers the networking between two offices within the city. WAN stands for wide area network and it cover the networking between two or more computers between two cities, two countries or two continents.

There are different topologies of a computer network. A topology defines the physical layout or a design of a network. These topologies are star topology, bus topology, mesh topology, star bus topology etc. In a star topology each computer in a network is directly connected with a centralized device known as hub or switch. If any computer gets problematic in star topology then it does not affect the other computers in a network.

There are different standards and devices in computer network. The most commonly used standard for a local area network is Ethernet. Key devices in a computer network are hub, switch, router, modem and access point etc. A router is used to connect two logically and physical different networks. All the communication on the internet is based on the router. Hub/Switch is used to connect the computers in local area network.

Hopefully, in this article you may have learnt that what a computer network is, how important it is in our lives, what are different network devices, standards, topologies and communication types.

Computer Network Overview

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New HTC Phones Sprint Cricket Wireless Internet Wireless Router Antenna Booster

November 20, 2011

Mobile Vs Wireless Credit Card Processing

As the title of this article suggests, there are differences between Mobile and Wireless credit/debit card processing. Hopefully, I can clear up some of that misunderstanding here.

As technology continues to evolve, the different levels of freedom and mobility for processing credit card transactions have expanded. If you're looking for ways to possibly utilize some of this newer technology to generate additional revenues, you first need to understand the options available as well as the flexibility and limitations of each.

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Cordless Terminals

Cordless are designed for short-range use. Typically you'll find these in restaurants or larger retailers with numerous payment stations throughout the business. These terminals "communicate" with a base unit or computer via the wireless network. While this "wireless" option is portable, it's not as flexible as Mobile processing. The advantage, however, is the ability to offer a printed receipt to the customer. For restaurants, especially, it offers a greater degree of comfort security for customers in that their card never leaves their sight. It also provides the opportunity to key in a PIN number which could potentially save money in processing costs for the restauranteur. It's a true win/win situation. However, the recent passage of the Durbin Amendment will likely make this a non-issue beginning in October 2011.

Traditional Wireless Terminals

The traditional type wireless equipment communicates through "land lines" connected over the air to a base unit plugged into a hardwired phone line. This option allows for some roaming throughout a space, limited somewhat by the radius of wireless connectivity to the terminal (often several hundred feet, depending on obstacles and interference). The great benefit, of course, is the ability to offer customers a printed receipt at the time of sale.



Mobile payment processing simply didn't exist five years or so ago. And, there's no telling what type of even newer technology is on the horizon. But for now, consider how you may benefit from this technology.

Simply stated, this is credit card processing that you take with you making it possible to accept payments wherever your customers are. The equipment is lightweight and easily transportable. Chances are, you currently own the major component for this type of transaction....a smartphone. Really, all that is required for this to work for you is a signal strong enough to surf the internet and an active data package on your phone. The terminal (or card swiper) itself is a tiny unit that typically just plugs into the headphone port on your phone. Some credit/debit card processing may require a customers signature on the phone's touchscreen and a receipt will be provided to the customer by way of email or an SMS text message.

Obviously, if you are doing business anywhere in the field, whether it be in-home, in the field, at trade shows or flea markets or anywhere you get paid remotely for your goods or services, mobile is the answer for you to increase sales. You may want to consider looking for a swiper that features "store and forward" capability for completing transactions where no signal is available. Now, I use this term, "completing" a transaction kind of loosely here. Without a signal, all you are doing is "storing" the credit card information and not actually getting an authorization. So, the risk you take is that you do the work, or deliver goods or service, "store" the data until you later have a signal to "forward" the transactions. If, at that time, you get a decline on a transaction, then you'll have done the work for free unless you can recoup from the customer thru some other payment method.

If you have determined that Mobile is a potential enhancement to how you currently accept payments, I strongly urge you to contact your current payment processor and ask for details. You could also do a search for mobile credit card processing equipment to see what options may be available to you. As always, do your due diligence.

Mobile Vs Wireless Credit Card Processing

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Pci Wireless Network Card How To Do Wireless Networking

November 18, 2011

How to Convert a Desktop Computer to WiFi

WiFi or wireless fidelity connection makes internet connection a lot more convenient. In this way, you can connect more computer to a wireless connection to anywhere in the house. The process is fairly easy as long as you have the right tools to use.

You need to make your desktop computer wireless ready first. While you can connect to a wireless router using an Ethernet cable, it is still better to connect using wireless signals as this is really the whole point of the process.

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Unfortunately, most Desktop PCs are not yet wireless ready. If your computer belongs to them, you can purchase wireless card and install it in your mother board the same way you will install a memory card.

The next thing you need to do is to purchase a competent wireless router. This usually costs less than a hundred dollars for a decent brand. Once you have these ready, do the following steps:

Step 1: Place your router on an area where it can transmit signal to every part of the house easily. This should be next to your DSL or wireless internet adapter. If you are using DSL, you can remove the Ethernet connection that connects the modem to your desktop. Connect one end to the modem and the other end at the back port of the router.

Step 2: Now that your desktop is wireless ready, it should be able to pick up signals once you turn on the computer, router and modem. Turn the modem first and then the router and then your computer. Allow the router and modem to process the connection first.

Step 3: Do some configurations to your wifi connection. Log on to the IP address of your router settings, input password and username and then change SSID settings and password settings to make it more secure. Now that you have wireless connection, other computers can enter your local area connection.

Step 4: Save the changes you made and then click log off router settings. You can connect as many computers as you can. As long as it is wireless ready, it will already pick up signal. Just input the router password to the other computers and you should be able to connect to the computer.

Just follow these steps in converting your desktop PC into a computer that is wireless ready. Be able to experience the benefits of connecting and communicating with other computers without the cumbersome and restricting cables and wires.

How to Convert a Desktop Computer to WiFi

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Wireless Speakers Home Theater

November 15, 2011

Best Wireless Keyboard

Wireless keyboards are portable and are a useful accessory for people who use computers for long hours. These easy to maintain keyboards are advantageous as there is no wired connection. Hence, you need not necessarily sit very close to the screen to operate your computer. These keyboards are typically used for gaming, typing or simply browsing the internet.

• Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000: One of the best keyboards in the market with its curvy ergonomic design, people who suffer wrist or hand problems due to excessive typing can use this keyboard for best comfort.
• Logitech MX Duo: Logitech is a highly reputed manufacturer of computer accessories and have come up with some of the best wireless optical mouse and keyboard combinations. This keyboard is recommended for gaming and can be connecting using Bluetooth technology. Check out the warranty period and also the installation manual before purchasing from the dealer.
• HP Wireless Elite Keyboard: This is a reasonably priced keyboard with its sleek design and is rather easy to use. It is highly recommended for play stations, especially PS3. The battery is long lasting and there is an indicator that shows the battery life remaining while in use so that the users can charge the keyboard appropriately. No additional drivers need to be installed for using these input devices.
• Chinavasion's CVNP-K55: This keyboard comes with a touchpad and is ideal for controlling both computer and television. It works well even 40 ft away from the computer screen or TV and the RF feature gives you complete access to the device in question.

Wireless Internet Card Desktop

wireless internet card desktop Best Wireless Keyboard

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USB Cable 20 Feet Parallel To Usb Cables Casio Usb Cable

November 12, 2011

A Novice Guide To Setting Up A Wireless Network

O.K. It's time to dispel the myth about networking! Although networks, (wireless or otherwise) used to be used primarily by businesses and schools, times have changed. There are now huge benefits to installing a network at home. The thing that put's many people off is the fact that they are notoriously complicated to set up and get working. Well, as technology had advanced this process has become a darn sight easier and if you are interested in setting up your own network then don't panic. As long as you have a little patience, you can do it. There is an abundance of information on the internet to help you get through any problems so, if possible, keep one computer off of your network, (but connected to the internet) to start with. This way you will still be able to connect to the web and get any advice and tips you need during your installation and set-up.

For those that consider yourself novices and are not sure why having a wireless network in your home is beneficial, let's take a look at some of it's uses. Many of us now have more than one computer in our homes. Whether you have children with a PC in their room, or a laptop that you use around the house and in the garden there are some great benefits to connecting them all together. First of all, Think about your printer. Why bother having a printer for every PC, or transferring documents to the computer that's attached to the only printer, when you can use a network to let your printer receive information form all your computers? Of course the other bonus is that, with a wireless network your printer can be put anywhere in the house out of the way. If like me, you have a computer in your living room, then hiding the printer away in the cupboard is perfect.

Wireless Internet Card Desktop

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So there's one advantage. Now, what about music, videos and other media? There is no need to waste time and money putting music onto all of your hard-drives. By creating a Wireless home network you can store all you media on one hard-drive and access it via the network. Of course these are only examples. Another obvious benefit is the ability to access all of your documents from any computer in the network. If your chilling in the garden with your laptop and need a file from your desktop PC, no problem. Just access it via your wireless network. Now we've covered some of the more obvious benefits to installing a wireless network let's take a look at how to do it.

The first step, without a doubt is planning. You need to know what you require from your network. How many computers you want to attach, where your computers are located, and any other peripherals, (such as printers). Once you have this worked out it will be much easier to determine what equipment you need. When looking at equipment I would recommend that you set up your network using the 802.11g technology, as it is the most compatible.

So, let's take a look at what you will need. First of all, you'll want a broadband connection. Secondly, you need a wireless router. And third, a wireless network adaptor for each computer that is going to be part of your network. For desktop PC's, buy a USB adaptor and for laptops, get a PC card adaptor, (this will plug into your expansion slot). Before buying your wireless network adaptor, check to make sure your PC doesn't already have this feature built-in. If it does then there is no need to buy an additional one. Also, buy your network adaptor and wireless router from the same company. This will make things far easier when setting up. Now you have your equipment, it's time to get it up and running.

Unplug your modem and connect it to your wireless router. You will notice that your router came with a network cable. Plug one end into the back of the router, (the port labelled internet, or Wlan, or Wan) and the other end into your modem. If you are unsure which port to connect your cable to, you will need to refer to the instructions, as routers vary depending on the make. Now plug in your modem again and connect to the Internet. Next, plug in your router and turn it on. After a few 30-60 seconds you should see lights that indicate the router is connected to the modem. Now it's time to configure your modem.

Your router will have come with an address. Open Internet explorer and type this in the address bar. You may need to enter the default password at this stage. This also comes with the router. You should now be looking at the configuration page for your wireless router. Don't panic if it looks technical, you only need to change a few things. First of all you will need to give your network a name. Choose something that is not too easy to guess, as this will help with security issues, and type this in the SSID section. You should also see a section that asks for a WEP or a WPA. Choose something long and random as this will prevent hackers getting in, you don't need to remember this anyway. Now you need to create an 'administrators password'. Again choose something unique containing letters and numbers, (you will need to remember this one though). Now that's done, disconnect the network cable from your computer.

Now you can connect your computers. Before doing anything, make sure you have "Windows Service Pack 2". Now, repeat the following steps for each computer.

If you have purchased a USB network adaptor, plug this into a USB port on your computer. If you have a network card for your laptop, plug this in your expansion slot. Windows should now detect your new hardware and ask you to insert the CD that came with it. Do this, and follow the on-screen instructions. Once you have completed this you will see a new icon in your taskbar, (bottom right of main windows screen). Right-click it and select 'View Available Wireless Networks'. You should now see the name of your wireless network, if you don't, click refresh. Select that network and click connect, enter the network key you will have typed in earlier and wait for it to connect. Now you can close this window.

Finally you need to...........

Do Nothing, that's it! Congratulations, assuming everything went smoothly then you just set up a wireless home network. If you encounter problems, then visit for more advice. Failing that, call the technical support that came with your router and they will be able to steer you in the right direction.

A Novice Guide To Setting Up A Wireless Network

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Netgear Wireless Routers USB Cables And Connectors Belkin Wireless N Router

November 9, 2011

Buying a Computer Mouse - Corded Vs Wireless

A computer mouse may be a very small device but it is a very important computer component. Together with the keyboard, a mouse is indispensable in navigating computer programs and surfing the Internet.

Computer mice come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Some mice are built for large hands and others are designed for smaller hands. Many modern mice are endowed with multiple colors and stylish designs that make them visually appealing. A lot of optical mice light up like Christmas trees when attached to the computer. Other mice are conservative in looks but endowed with more powerful features. There are also the corded mice and the wireless mice.

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A corded mouse is attached to your computer using a PS2 connector or via a free USB port. A wireless mouse is, as its name suggests, cordless. It comes with a small transmitter that is attached to your computer via a USB port. The transmitter determines both the cursor movements and the maximum distance a wireless mouse can be placed from the computer without losing its functionality.

Many consumers are drawn to the wireless computer mouse. Cord-free, a wireless mouse can be placed anywhere so long as it is within the range of its transmitter. Unlike corded mice, wireless mice can be moved about without being hampered or limited by wires and cables. A wireless mouse coupled with other wireless devices will make a computer table more neat and organized.

On the down side, wireless mice need batteries to run. If your wireless mouse sees heavy use, its batteries will drain faster and you will need to replace it constantly. Make sure to keep some spare batteries ready so you will not be left without a mouse.

Corded mice, on the other hand, enjoy a constant power supply. With corded mice, you have no batteries to maintain. They will stay on and functional as long as your computer is powered up and running.

Being a more recent technology, wireless mice are usually more expensive than corded mice but the difference is not great. Cost is not a very big factor to consider when choosing between a wireless mouse and a corded mouse.

If you can deal with the periodic replacement of batteries, a wireless mouse will work well for you and keep your table clutter-free. If you do not mind the cord and wiring, a corded mouse will work for you just fine. It will not die out on you and stay on so long as your computer is also on.

Buying a Computer Mouse - Corded Vs Wireless

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SafeRest Hypoallergenic Zippered Waterproof

November 4, 2011

The Computer Graphics Card - Know Your Facts Before You Buy

The first thing that you need to do regarding the computer graphics card is to assess the basic factors surrounding what you actually need from a computer graphics card. For instance, are are you interested primarily in the best price or quality or even what types of games that you prefer to play? These things have to be sorted out and prioritized.

What About the Computer Graphics Card That Came In Your Computer?

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The price on a computer graphic card can range roughly between 0-0, depending on the type and quality of the card you buy. One question that you may also have is whether or not the computer graphics cards that is already installed in your computer is adequate.

For Higher Quality Gaming

The simple answer to that is that if you are interested in higher quality gaming, the computer graphics card that came installed in your computer is definitely not adequate. Also bear in mind that if your video settings show 128MB, this simply may not be the case, due to the fact that due to the fact that it may be shared by ram.

The Bottom Line

A basic rule of thumb is that if the games that you are interested in playing are older, real time strategy or multi-player online games, your card may in fact be more than adequate. However; if your interested lie in for instance first shooter games than you will most likely need a new computer graphics card.
Your First Task At Hand

Your first oder is to determine the MB level that your current computer graphics card has. After that task has been completed then your next step would be to determine how many MB's of memory you will need. Bear in mind that most of the better computer games do require a relatively large capacity for memory.

The Computer Graphics Card - Know Your Facts Before You Buy

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