Mounted inside the chassis, a motherboard is commonly used as a backplane to which the support unit called solvable. In an alternative unit that eliminates the universal rack, removable carrier, connected to one side of a backplane of the chassis and pull-out peripheral boards are connected on the opposite side. This invention relates to photography, in which several carriers with removable laptopUnits for both serial or parallel operation are connected to receive interchangeable, so that an interface with a host computer, without having to make changes to your computer's drives or the suspension within the same chassis or storage system.
Wireless Internet Card Desktop
Consequently, it is desirable that the different interchangeable removable carriers independently of the computer in the same drive bay of a chassis if the computer unit can be connected for serial or parallel insertedTo make the operation and without changing the frame or unit. A circuit that is electrically connected to the multi-pin connector, and mounted on the external sides of the rear wall of the U-shaped body In this case, the IC chip on which the bridge will be built for a card that is mounted on the back of the wearer. The serial-to-parallel bridge is implemented as a chip integrated circuit that is connectedthe card on the back of the rack without wires or cables universal expansion to interface with the frame containing the frame.
Corresponding to a plurality of pull-out peripheral cards are solvable, and on the opposite side of the backplane to connect the corresponding mobile unit in the detachable shoulder straps. Since both units accommodate serial and parallel connected computer.Stay with the board on the rear wall of the frame reception. In some cases, however, the board device in front of the backplane are connected to the back and then with a cable. Depending on how the pull-out on-board peripherals and interfaces with the hardware that is out of frame, is a serial-serial or serial parallel converters on the card, the download is connected to the back ofBackplane. The interface connector unit is connected to a male SCA backplane interface connector that is mounted on the back of the removable media. The computer installed with a removable drive when the carrier received in its chassis, backplane interface on the back of male solved with a carrier female complement SCA backplane interface connector that is connected to a backplane is connected.
Thoughthe number of ports on the backplane and the chassis number of carriers connected and surrounded by are optional and should not be seen as a limitation to this embodiment.
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